Some of you may have noticed that day 18 is not in here. Rest assured, while I didn’t post it on the blog, the writing does exist. Which brings me to today, day 19. I feel a strange tired today. I did an acro yoga workshop this weekend, which means I did 6 hours a day of intense physical exercise on both Saturday and Sunday. And doing things that can be pretty scary. I do have to say that I feel fortunate to have taken this workshop with the people I did, everyone is great, skilled, loving and caring. Acro is an activity that will push your comfort zone, and there is always something new to learn, the next level. That’s true for yoga, too, but acro can just be scary. What we learned this weekend is something they call “pops.” If you’re interested, you can see some of what we did
here. I tried pops a few months into doing acro and I was so freaked out I just said “no” I’m not going to do that right now. Imagine supporting someone in the air, then throwing them up and trying to catch them. Without hurting them, preferably. Or permanently injuring them. Or killing them. Honestly, it just seemed to be beyond me. Then, one day a few months ago, I said to myself, “I think I can do that.” So I tried a few. Then a few more. Then I decided I was going to dedicate an entire weekend to learning something that had previously terrified me. So here I am, tired, but good. It really is an interesting tired. My body is tired, and a little beat up, but my mind is also tired and I think that’s true for two reasons. 1) because I’ve spent so much time this weekend learning new stuff. And not just learning it intellectually, but learning to move my body in new and interesting ways. When you do that, it’s really some cool shit. And 2) well, I forget what two was, but it was really awesome and you’re kinda missing out. Sorry.
So, learning new stuff, mentally and physically drained. All in all it’s been an awesome weekend. And now it’s coming to a close. Sort of. Right now I don’t work on Mondays. I’d love to be able to do so. Wait, that’s a lie. I don’t want to have to work on Mondays, or Friday’s for that matter. So when I say I would love to work on Mondays, what I really mean is that I’d love to be in private practice and do that on my Mondays. That my short term goal. Getting fully licensed, starting my own practice and controlling my own schedule is the long term goal. I’ll get there, it will just take some time.
But back to acro. I had a great uncle that lived to be 103 years old. At his 100th birthday party he was asked how he did it. His response was that he did his exercises daily. To me, someone who wants to live to be 130 years old, that really food for thought. To keep my body moving, to keep on learning new things. These are the things that many people attribute to longevity. On the one hand, it seems a little weird to me that I’m approaching my mid-40’s and I’m starting to learn acrobatics. On the other hand, why the fuck not? I love it and, in the end, I know it will keep me young.